It’s the Home Office Desk Declutter Challenge – And I need YOUR help! Witness my shame and join me on the journey to a truly organized workspace.
The #NovemberScopers Challenge is Here!
Are you interested in scoping – broadcasting on Periscope? Want to join a fabulous group of super supportive women? It’s really easy. Include the hashtag #NovemberScopers in your broadcast title. Yep. That’s it!
How to survive a day trip with your preschooler without losing your mind
How do you survive a day trip with your preschooler without losing your mind? Planning is key but the last tip is one you may not have thought of.
How to keep plastic grocery bags neat and tidy
Home hack: Keeping plastic grocery bags nice and tidy Are your plastic grocery bags multiplying like Gremlins sprayed with a hose? Are they spilling out of whatever you’ve shoved them into? Use this awesome hack to tame those bags and show them who’s boss! Why are there so many of them? We generally take our…
Five hilarious bloggers/Periscopers you should be following
#FridayFollow Five hilarious bloggers/Periscopers you should be following *** Check out the scope I did about these ladies. It’s right after the bios, or watch it on Katch *** You know what the “woman’s curse” is? It’s not childbirth or having a period (I’m having flashbacks to 5th grade sex-ed and the movie explaining…